If you have gotten to this page, let's get you going. We have provided you three service levels. Please make the selection of the service level you want.
Note: P3 works best for two tier plans with discounts for brand and generic drugs. 3 or 4 tier plans are not as well supported at this point.
We recommend you “do it yourself” if you are a seasoned PBM professional, with some Excel expertise and have some time to find the PBM contract and format data. The advantage of doing it yourself is that once the intake sheet and claims data is uploaded, you get the report within a minute. A second advantage is that the cost to run a report is lower.
You will need:
Who doesn’t like a little help now and then? If you don’t have time to go through a 75-page PBM contract, let us do it for you. Upload the PBM contract here and we will go through the contract and extract the terms needed to compare your current PBM financial performance guarantees. Upload the data here we will format it for you or work with you to get the data P3 needs. One of our PBM experts will contact you within 24 business hours with a project status update or check your email for a report.
You will need:
We know your time is precious. Let us do ALL of the heavy lifting. Complete this form and we will obtain the PBM contract, get the data and provide you an email every week with the status of the project.
You will need:
Any questions and you can contact us at: mike.foster@pharmout.com or at 847-540-9590 ext (106).